Crypto & stocks, all in the same place
All your investment needs together in 1 simple app. We make it easy to start investing and keep track of all your wealth.

24/7 live access to top cryptos
Trade the most popular cryptos at any time and track their returns, average price and other performance metrics.
Instant deposits
Want to trade as soon as you make the decision? Fund your account and get instant access to trade.
On local transfers
Deposit and withdraw your funds at zero cost with free AED transfers and buy Crypto without paying any commisions.
Trade the way you want
Buy using market orders at the best available price or set up limit or stop orders to make sure your trades get executed when you want.
Learn moreYour security is our priority

Strong technology, but human first
We engineer our technology to be powerful, but we are also always available to help you with all of your needs with our outstanding customer excellence team.

Frequently Asked Questions
Get all your questions answered, so you can effortlessly invest with big rewards sooner.
What are the available cryptocurrencies?
Can I deposit or withdraw cryptocurrencies to/from my account?
Do I need a crypto wallet to trade cryptocurrencies with Sarwa?
How can I trade crypto?
How do I withdraw my crypto?
Is crypto risky?

What are you waiting for?