Put your money to work
Just like your Invest account, Sarwa Save can help put your money to work for you too. With Sarwa Save access high yield return with very low risks.No minimum balance required
Get access to this product with any amount you want to start with, whether it's $500 or $500,000.
No lock-ups on your money
You can withdraw your funds at any time, with zero cost. Unlike some others, there are no sneaky fees.
Put your cash to work
The estimated returns are before Sarwa management fees. They are based on existing federal fund rate and other economic factors and are subject to change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Your security is our priority

Saving CornerLearn more
12 Hacks for How to Save Money in Dubai Like A Resident
If you’re an expat trying to figure out how to save money in Dubai, here’s what money-saving experts recommend you do with your extra cash.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get all your questions answered, so you can effortlessly invest with big rewards sooner.
How is Sarwa Save different from a bank savings account?
How guaranteed is the returns of sarwa Save?
Who regulates Sarwa Save?
How are you able to generate this return?
Does the rate differ depending on how much money I put in?
Does Sarwa Save have a Halal Option?
Is the Return locked in or can it change?

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